Spreading Holiday Cheer at Thrive

Spreading Holiday Cheer at Thrive

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year, and it always has been. With that in mind, since I began working for the company in 2004, I have been devoted to trying to create a joyous time for the individuals that we serve. A few years ago we began booking a musician named Doug Spartz who comes to the homes in Detroit Lakes to perform for us. We pick a house where he will set up in the corner with his guitar and he will sing Christmas songs to entertain residents and staff. The smiles on the faces of the individuals are priceless as they tap their fingers or sing along. He even does a small skit as Santa Claus and his wife is Mrs. Claus. Along with that we all enjoy tacos in a bag, or as some call them walking tacos and cookies. Some of the guys start asking me in September/October if he is coming back. Music works wonders.